The path of a tester: from a candidate to an employee of an IT company

The path of a tester: from a candidate to an employee of an IT company

In total, due to one mistake in the new software, the American company Knight Capital lost $ 465 million. A major financial broker was on the verge of bankruptcy after a trading program began buying up shares uncontrollably, violating exchange rules. The investigation showed that the problems could have been avoided if one stage of testing had not been missed during the development of the new system.

Errors in computer programs that lead to such serious consequences, in fact, are quite rare. Today companies do not skimp on testing and entrust this work to professionals. That is why testing remains a popular specialty in IT.


What testers do

The tester is not a supporting character - he has his own important role in the project. He does not just look for errors in the program, but he checks the quality of the product and evaluates whether it can be released into the real world to millions of users. The second name for this profession is QA because testing is part of a comprehensive quality assurance process that spans the entire development cycle. "Quality" in this case is not an abstract characteristic, but the ability of a software product to meet specified requirements.

Where can you learn to test

To work in IT, it is not necessary to have a specialized higher education. Even such global giants as Apple and Google no longer require a diploma from job applicants. And IBM CEO Virginia Rometti says professional courses are often more rewarding than a few years at university.

To start a career as a tester, it is enough to complete educational courses in one of the training centers or directly in an IT company. Some companies even provide free training, but this is not the most convenient option: you will have to go through a strict preliminary selection and, possibly, wait a long time for the start of classes.